Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health

Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health

Posted by Sneha Brahmbhatt Jan 04, 2023

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Good oral health is important for a number of reasons. In addition to having an attractive smile, having healthy teeth and gums and teeth also promotes good overall health. Listed below are some tips that you can follow to maintain good oral health.

  • Brush your teeth regularly

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably once in the morning and again at night before bed. If you wear braces or retainers, you may want to brush after each meal as well. Make sure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and that you replace your toothbrush every three to four months or as soon as it starts looking worn, whichever comes first. You should also make sure that you floss between each tooth at least once per day to clean out food particles and other debris that may be caught between teeth. Floss threaders can make flossing with braces easier. Ask your orthodontist about how to use them properly.

  • Floss daily

In addition to brushing your teeth twice per day, flossing is also very important for maintaining good oral health. Food particles and bacteria can easily get trapped between the teeth if they are not flossed regularly, which can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. Here are some guidelines to follow for flossing daily.

Choose a type of floss that works well for you. Some types of floss have a waxy texture that may help the floss slide between teeth more easily. Other types may feel stringy when being threaded between teeth. Experiment with different varieties until you find one that provides the most comfort while cleaning between teeth.

Wrap a small length of floss around your index fingers and gently guide it between each tooth by using a back-and-forth motion. It is important to make sure that the entire surface of the tooth is covered so that bacteria and food particles are not left behind. Repeat this process for each tooth until you've reached the back of your mouth.

  • Visit your dentist regularly

You should visit the dentist at least once every six months for a cleaning and checkup. This schedule might be different if you have active periodontal disease or other concerns, such as teeth grinding or TMJ disorders. Your dentist will let you know how often you should come in for checkups based on your specific oral health needs.

It's important to keep these appointments because your oral health can change over time, and you may not be able to notice these changes on your own. Problems like tooth decay can spread quickly, even within just one missed appointment. In addition to cleaning your teeth, your hygienist can perform an oral exam to look for signs of damage or decay that you may not have noticed yourself.

These checkups are also a great time to ask your dentist any questions you might have about your oral health. You can use this time to ask about oral hygiene tips, such as how effectively you are using interdental brushes or the proper technique for brushing and flossing. You can also ask if there are any new treatments that might be beneficial for you. For example, we offer teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, and more!

  • Eat a well-balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet is one of the best ways to maintain good oral health. A well-balanced diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. The antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight inflammation in the body and help reduce the risk of gum disease. Lean protein helps repair tissues in the mouth and supports healthy jawbones.

Calcium-rich foods are also important for your oral health. If your doctor or dentist has recommended a high dose of calcium, make sure to include plenty of dairy products in your diet, such as milk and yogurt. Cheese is another food high in calcium. You can also find calcium in broccoli, leafy greens, and soybeans. Fortified cereals are also rich sources of calcium.

Vitamin D also supports the overall health of your teeth and gums. You can find vitamin D in fish, fortified milk, egg yolks, and mushrooms. It's also important to get an adequate amount of vitamin C into your diet because it helps protect your gums from periodontal disease. 

  • Don't use tobacco

Tobacco is responsible for a long list of oral health problems, including oral cancer, gum disease, and stained teeth. It's never too late to quit using tobacco products; the sooner you quit, the better your chances of maintaining good oral health. Talk to your dentist about quitting smoking or using other tobacco products. You can also visit the American Cancer Society for tips and information about how to quit smoking or chewing tobacco.

To learn more about best oral hygiene habits, contact Hulen Smiles, Implant and Cosmetic Dentist, at 6217 Oakmont Blvd, Fort Worth 76132, or call (817) 585-4159.

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